Tyler Canterbury is a model of efficiency and efficacy for the West Logistics’ Goldsboro warehouse – often times you will find her training multiple people as well as getting her own tasks completed. Her dedication and hard work has not gone unnoticed by her peers as she is being awarded the L-Lead by Example award.
Jessica McKinley goes above and beyond on a daily basis, but she recently took on a special project that merited additional notice. Our customer had a big roll out of a product just days away when it was discovered that a major component had been omitted from the order system – Jessica jumped in, stopped the paperwork, got the trailers unloaded and reprocessed everything and after that was done, discovered another error and had to go through the process again! Her attention to detail and perseverance saved the customer time, money, and potential embarrassment for an incomplete product. Setting a great example for all of us, Jessica is awarded the R-Results Matter Award.
Kandyce Lennard was nominated because she ‘owns’ quality – she is engaged and responsible, has initiative, and focuses on data and measurements to develop improved processes that deliver higher accuracy and customer satisfaction. She not only takes ownership for herself but is a leader who helps others obtain their best potential. For all this and more, Kandyce is being honored with the L-Lead by Example award.
Sometimes you’re fortunate enough to work side by side with that guy that studiously gets his job done, he preps for the next day and then – he asks if you need any help. Hard work and dedication is so ingrained, and they are the first to volunteer when someone is needed. You can always count on their hard work and dedication and we are fortunate to have a coworker like this - and we are pleased to present Al Reid with the R-Results Matter Award.