Linda Barrett, who is part of shared services and oversees A/P for West Logistics and Aviation Logistics, has so many remarkable qualities that it was hard to settle on just one. Fortunately, we don’t have to as Linda was nominated by several of her peers! Linda is always professional, courteous, well prepared, and nurturing. She is being awarded the V-Value Everyone and the E-Empowerment and Accountability Award as well the core value that encompasses all others – the R-Results Matter award. Thank you Linda for inspiring us all to strive be our best – we are sure Lead by Example will be added soon!
Thomas Skipper may have the title of Maintenance Technician in Lithonia for Brown Fleet Services but he doesn’t allow himself to be confined to what that describes – he is a true “Jack of All Trades” whose abilities run wide and deep. For more than 20 years Thomas has helped out people in almost every division of this company – always courteously and professionally without complaint and with a smile. With appreciation for his character, spirit and hard work, Thomas received the L-Lead by Example award.
Sandra Espinoza works at West Logistics’ – Western Ridge, Charlotte, NC but interacts daily with their sister company Brown Trucking. When the local Trucking manager reached out to say “Thank you for planning our drivers so that we know what to expect and our employees can better plan our day” it was a shining example of teamwork in action and earned Sandra the I-Integrated Solutions award.
Sidney Wiley is one of those guys who takes care of things without being asked or reminded, with a high degree of attention to detail and does things right, whether someone is watching or not. He’s also a great mentor and trainer to others at the Domtar facility in Charlotte, NC, and continually displays the hallmarks of leadership and is awarded the L-Lead by Example award.